Friday, July 25, 2008

good times

I have had good times on my mission. I have made good friends with my companions. I have had countless good experiences with different companions, and learned from many not good experiences. But never before have I had such fun with one of my companions.

Elder Snyder and I just laugh and joke and have a good time. The thing I love about it is that we work very well together, and we are both very obedient, hard-working missionaries who are not here to waste time in any way. But in working hard, we have a good time.

We had a special experience as well in the chapel after a lesson we had had there. Our investigator left and the Spirit was still strong. For some reason, Elder Snyder asked me for a blessing, he wasn't even sure why. During the blessing, the Spirit was magnified ten-fold and we had an amazing experience together that was a testimony-strengthener for the both of us. I learned a few valuable lessons about the priesthood, and about how God can work through us to accomplish His purposes. I was grateful for the experience and for the boost in my testimony of the restoration of the gospel and priesthood authority. I am grateful for many other experiences that build me up, and even more for the times that I can be used as a tool to build testimony in others.

It's warm down here, but I almost wish it were warmer, so I could have some crazy stories. Really, it only gets to about 110 each day. But we hear that the real heat is still to come. And I believe it.

To all those that read my blog, I appreciate that you are remembering me and taking some time to read an update. I would like a chance to remember you and read your update. Write me, let me know how you are. Just in case, the address is 1871 E. Del Rio Drive, Tempe, AZ 85282. Thanks, I hope to hear from you soon.

With much love to all,

-Elder Sam Bostwick

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