Wednesday, May 20, 2009

a busy week in mesa

We have been very busy this week. Busy weeks feel really great. It feels so productive, so planned out, so valuable. It means we didn't lose any of the last week. It also makes time zoom by. I'm going to have to accept it, I can't be a missionary forever.

I'm so sorry, but I really don't have much time today, I had other emails to write. But I'll write quickly.

We are working to prepare some people for baptism. We have a family that we are teaching. The kids speak better English, and the mom speaks better Spanish. This means that we usually split up when we teach the lessons. The kids love stories from the scriptures, and it is so fun to choose a story that will teach a specific principle and talk about it to them. They love hearing about Jesus. Meanwhile, the mom just absorbs true doctrine. One time she had confusion about Jesus Christ and Jehovah being the same person, and she was questioning us. A member from work cleared it all up for her and she decided never to disagree with what we taught again. We still invite her to pray and study for her own answers, that she doesn't just have to blindly trust what we say just because we say it. However, her sincerity and humility is touching and she is a noble example for her kids.

We went to the visitor's center with an investigator on Monday. After watching the movie about Joseph Smith, he threw his arms into the air and almost shouted (in Spanish), "It's all true! Isn't it?" The Spirit was thick as we testified of the Savior, the Restoration, and the temples. What an experience.

God has blessed me with a really strange gift. It is the ability to keep my cool in the face of another person's anger. When somebody gets upset, I find it almost impossible to get upset myself. We had a recent convert who was stressed about new callings her and her husband were receiving and the sacrifice of time "demanded" of them, and she was getting herself worked up. She then started to blame people and her husband for silly things and it could have been a disastrous situation. But Elder Argyle and I, coolly and calmly testified of the Jesus Christ, and that life, though a delicate balance, can be maintained as we are dedicated to righteous living. We taught them to cleave to teachings of modern prophets. In the end, we were blessed with a very spiritual lesson that began with her being upset. It was truly the work of God.

Okay, my time is up. I love you all and I hope you are all well. I constantly pray for you, but I don't constantly think about you.

-Elder Sam Bostwick

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