Tuesday, September 18, 2007

week 2

As week two is almost over, I am astounded at how much progress has been made in just one week. This is one of those surreal times where time seems to have it's own very strange balance for running.

In this week, a new Elder was having trouble with being at the MTC. He wasn't happy and had a lot of things at home that were unresolved. Me, another Elder in my District, and one of the Zone Leaders were very encouraging for him to stay and give it a try. Elder Wise (ZL) and I stayed up with this Elder one night going over each of his concerns and working them out. We testified to him that the Lord gave him his call for a reason and that he has a purpose in being here. We also testified of the blessings of service and that Jesus is the Christ and could take away all of his depressions and discouragements. Elder Wise had been in a very similar situation and could relate in almost every way. We promised him peace and happiness if he would stay. The Elder left on Sunday night. It was heartbreaking. If losing an investigator feels anything like that, I need to prepare myself for it.

I suppose if anything, all that talking with the Elder solidified my purpose and goals in being on a mission. I know truly know the things I bore testimony of, and I know the truth of the blessings we receive. And now Elder Wise is gone, left for Argentina and I will share that memory with him forever. That's how the MTC is I suppose.

Elder Sam Bostwick

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