Wednesday, November 12, 2008

a great week

This week has been great. Particularly for the past few days we have had pure good things, back to back to back.

After Wednesday of last week, Elder Snyder and I both continued on a little sick. We had to stay close to the bathroom, and just as we were worried we would have to see a doctor, some members brought us some Immodium and our problems were solved. Monday we had our time for weekly planning in the morning, and a brief afternoon of work, and then we drove to Yuma to meet with the other missionaries for yet another trip to Tempe. Elder Snyder and I, along with Elder Carlson (our zone leader) and his greeny Elder Robinson, and Elder Appel (the district leader) and his companion Elder Elton all stayed with the APs in their apartment for the night. It was a great night, and then in the morning we left for our half-mission zone conference with Elder Christensen of the First Quorum of the Seventy. It was a great conference and we were literally filled spiritually. It is always a treat to get to see other missionary friends from around the mission and rejoice in the progress we are all making. I definitely feel like the least of all in big meetings like that. As if our zone conference wasn't good enough, all of our Yuma Zone then drove to the temple and I personally had an intensely wonderful experience there. It had been over six months since the last time I had been able to go to the temple, and I was in need of a reminder. I loved it, and am so grateful that we were given permission to take a bit of time to go and recharge our batteries. I stayed in the celestial room after the session and just cried, feeling truly in the Lord's House and in His presence. It filled me.

Then we drove back to Yuma and Elder Snyder and I stayed the night with Elder Carlson and Elder Robinson so that we could be up here for a 10:30 birthday bowling party for Elder Carlson. I got to test out my recent acquired bowling shoes, and it was a blast (and a member payed for us, which was the greatest part of all). And now, after what feels like a very long time, we are back in San Luis, kicking around for the rest of our P-Day.

I would love to tell you more, but my time has run short. I have such a strong testimony of this gospel and wish you could all be sharing in my experiences in Arizona. I love you all, and wish for the best for you. We are in the Lord's hands, and as long as we obey every commandment, we have literally no cause to fear. I am full of hope, as I desire you to be. Keep on in this cause, it is the greatest we can do.

-Elder Bostwick

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