Wednesday, December 10, 2008


All last winter, I had to laugh at my companions and the people here in Arizona because they would all talk about how cold it was …. In Utah, I felt like I had become somewhat familiar with the feeling of cold and it definitely was not cold in Arizona. I would tease people and continued to wear a short sleeve shirt without a jacket the entire winter.

I am ashamed to announce that this year I am adjusted to the weather in Arizona and I am most sincerely cold here! Last night was just under 60 degrees and my hands were in my pockets the whole night, I wanted the heater on in the car and I just wished I had brought a jacket. From the way my body was reacting, you might have thought it was low 40s, literally, it was that silly. I've adjusted.

Last week I had a whole great email typed out, well written and thoughtful on the entrance of the Christmas season. A mis-calculated stroke of the fingers deleted it all in an instant, and my email was unretrievable. Hopefully, over time, I will let you all know how I feel about Christmas and you won't feel bad about the mistake.

This week has been more complicated than I would like. I like focusing on being a missionary and not having other things to worry about. I like being dedicated to the task at hand, and I like giving my all where I am at. Due to the requirements of a video audition I am preparing for the BYU Music Theatre department, I have been torn in my attention. Of course, all missionary time is completely dedicated to missionary things, but it is the free time--lunch, time before bed, and P-Day time--that are no longer as focused as I am used to. Hopefully all this hectic activity will end soon as I work to wrap everything up before the new year. With a lot of help from really charitable members from Yuma who I had never even met before, everything is coming together.

With more time in San Luis, I just love it more and more. I love working with our investigators--even the ones who progress very very slowly--and it is a joy to teach them as well as inactive members in our Branch. Christmas has brought a special urgency and energy in doing the Lord's work amongst the members and I have loved, even more than before, the "spirit of the season." Christmas lights have decked the streets and, though San Luis isn't your picturesque Christmas village, it has transformed into a festive place. It is comforting to know that people can still celebrate amidst so much trial and difficulty.

Recently, after it became known that I am "musical" through playing the piano for the branch's Christmas choir, my real life has started to intrigue people. My interests and goals out of the mission keep getting brought up by various members. Our branch president just can't get over the fact that I am actually going to go to college to study acting. It feels strange to have people get to know me after spending so much time in my whole mission focusing on getting to know other people. A real skill I have learned on my mission is how to get to know people: how to connect with others or relate to others. This skill is based on knowing their interests and talking about them, a lot. To have the table turned now makes me almost uncomfortable. But even still, it is nice to let people know who I am. It brings us closer together and strengthens the work.

I am so blessed to be here on my mission. I wish I could articulate how grateful I am for all the people who influenced me to do good things, and who helped me avoid destroying myself. The mercy of our Heavenly Father is a marvel to me and is definitely something I need to develop more of. I have a testimony that He is so ready to forgive us, He wants us to be clean and happy. He has created this plan for our benefit and He is so pleased to bless us with all that we need, as long as we are faithful in asking and doing His will. I hope you all find many of the wonderful mercies God extends to us each day incredible, as I find them. I hope you all are well and happy and that you have the chance to serve others this holiday season. Take care, I love you all.

-Elder Sam Bostwick

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