Wednesday, December 31, 2008

beating the odds

Christmas was great. I can't even explain how wonderful it was to be with my family. Though I wasn't there in person, I did feel I was there as well as Cecily. Modern technology really pulled through in the three-way calling thing. As happy as a person can be, their happiness is never complete without their family. It was a great day, and it's memory will carry me through until Mother's Day.

Our "White Christmas" a few days after Christmas Day was so awesome. The whole day was rocky: an exchange that took me to the other side of the Yuma Zone and some missing baptismal candidates, figuring out a way to get baptismal clothes and some getting permission from the mission president for a counselor in the branch presidency to do a baptismal interview right before the service ... it made me laugh because only two days before, I had reported to my family that I do not get stressed in the missionary duties. I was definitely stressed that day, but in the end, we literally dumped a big mess in the hands of the Lord, and it was all straightened out miraculously. The baptism was a very special one and we were very blessed.

I had also reported to my family that come the new year, I would be serving in a new place. Well, in San Luis we are beating the odds. I enjoyed seven-and-a-half months so much that I get to stay for nine. That's right, keep sending things to the same old address, I have not gone anywhere. I feel very blessed to be able to stay. I take it as a sign that I am either doing something right, or I am enough of a nuisance that President Craig just wants to keep me out of the way. Elder Villasenor and I will stay together again and we just got news of who else is coming down to our Zone. We're going to have another superb transfer from great teaching and great missionaries.

Everything continues to go well. Elder Villasenor just doesn't understand why I don't like soccer. I tell him I like to watch it, just like any other sport, but that I am so bad at it that I don't like to play. He continues to be stubborn.

The Church is true. I am grateful for the time of year at New Year's to make new goals and to refocus ourselves. It is an opportunity for me to become a better man and a better missionary. I hope we can all focus our goals up unto the Lord and seek His help in achieving our righteous desires. I love you all. Happy New Year.

-Elder Sam Bostwick

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