Wednesday, December 17, 2008

wet christmas

Weather reports turned goofy at some point last week as they predicted coming rain. We ignored the possibility and were caught surprised. We are now in Day Two of consistent rain, something I have seen or even heard of in Arizona. The rain that comes here normally falls intensely, but quickly, which is exactly the opposite of what we are currently experiencing. This slow drizzle has been a welcome blessing, as I really do love the rain, and it is always nice to have a little bit of change. And somehow, rain seems to make the "cold" so much easier to handle.

We tick down to Christmas and all of our missionary activities show it. People are more willing to listen to our message during the Christmas time, and it is always a blessing to be able to touch somebody's heart that would normally be quite as receptive. There is a spirit in the season, and I pray that missionaries all over the world benefit from it.

Yesterday we had yet another road trip. There was a Tri-Zone Christmas Zone Conference yesterday in Casa Grande, about two-and-a-half hours from Yuma. We left early yesterday morning and arrived with only a few hours of proselyting left. The day was great, spent with some of my very favorite missionaries and enjoying the company immensely. It is always good to see President and Sister Craig, and this week, due the the interviews schedule and Zone Conferences, we saw them twice and that was also enjoyed greatly. I feel so blessed to be a missionary, as the life of a missionary is just a happy one. I hope I can find the same happiness in service in the rest of my life.

In my interview with President Craig this week, it seemed hard to explain to him how I feel about my testimony. My testimony is growing more and more every day and it is due to the grace of God in seeing His work in action. I know that the gospel is restored in our day through a prophet, and I cannot think of any other way to believe. I am happy, in a way I didn't even imagine before, but I know that feeling can go away. What I had a hard time explaining was my dedication to my testimony, not just that I have one--but what it means to me. I know what I have to do for the rest of my life, and it is very simple. All that is expected of us is to do everything as our knowledge of the gospel dictates to us. I cannot explain that with the justice it deserves, but I hope you can all feel the spirit of what I am saying. What is most beautiful is that I can help others gain the same change in their lives. I am a better person, and everybody will be, because I have acted on pure faith so many times--indeed sometimes I have wondered when I won't need just blind faith anymore. It is hard for me to not know why we do things, and to not understand God's purposes, but what is most important is that we just do it, and then the understanding comes. I testify that our faith is confirmed only after we act on it, only after we have actively demonstrated it.

I pray that you are all well, and that you are happy in this Christmas time. I love you, and I'm grateful for all who read my email/blog who give me an audience to rant at. Merry Christmas and enjoy the snow!

-Elder Sam Bostwick

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