Tuesday, October 16, 2007

week ... 6?

I don't even know what week it is. I do know however that in three weeks from today, I will be leaving the MTC. Of course by then I will be fluent in Spanish and a wiz with doctrine. Okay, maybe those things will come a little after three weeks.

We got a new district this week, which is not unusual. But this District is the first since we arrived that has Hermanas. Our Hermanas jumped onto the new friendship opportunities and we now have an entire District that eats lunch with us, both Hermanas and Elders. Some of our Elders need to be reminder to focus after talking to some of the new Hermanas...."Enfoque!" As for me, I just run faster than them at gym time, so I see them a lot and they are good friends.

Speaking of Sister Missionaries in general, I think they are wonderful. Unlike Elders, they have grown up, and weren't idiots to begin with, which makes them powerful servants who are mature. If any girl is considering a mission- don't avoid other things in life, but don't hesitate if a mission becomes an opportunity for you! The world needs you, because let's face it, many people would rather listen to you than an Elder.

This Sunday, my companions and I were asked to be Zone Leaders. This is a position that works under our Branch President (a branch and a zone are the same in the MTC) on a more personal level with the missionaries in the Zone. This is one of those times where I worry about the inadequacy to serve, but like President Eyring, I know the Lord won't let me fall.

And speaking of President Eyring and keeping journals and remembering great experiences, I've been working on a project. It sounds silly, but it is basically my own brass plates. You could call it memoirs. I have been writing about experiences and places I've gone and people I've known. This has been in itself a new and wonderful experience. Looking back from here, it's easy to recognize the powerful influence of the hand of God clear back into my childhood. Small details of life that seemed happenstance at the time now show themselves to be utter miracles, railway switches in my life. Like President Hinckley's analogy, I have found myself in Louisiana rather than Pennsylvania (not that I have any particular dislike or preference in any way to Louisiana or favor Pennsylvania, they are just different).

I know that God plans an immense amount for our lives. This week, I urge you to stop and consider a time that changed your course. Think of the small things surrounding that time. Then recognize it for the miracle that it was. And also remember that though the jaws of Hell open to consume you, it is and was for your good. (I wish I had my scriptures here so I could quote that and reference it for you--it's in D&C). Looking at what God has done for me already in life, I am humbled, and wonder what could be in store for the future. No doubt more need of forgiveness, more work, and definitely more miracles. Consider what God has done for you and what He will do more in the future. He loves us.

-Elder Sam Bostwick

p.s. to my family, thank you for your letters.... those of you that have sent them. I promise, they do not serve as a distraction to my missionary service. I love you all.

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