Tuesday, October 30, 2007

week 8

A week from today I will be at the airport preparing for my long flight to Arizona. Okay, so it won't be a long flight, but somebody jokingly said that they might show one episode of a tv show on the flight. Even better, one Hermana in my District did not receive flight plans, but simply travel plans. Her traveling consists of riding with the other missionaries to the airport, staying on the bus, and then getting dropped off at the Salt Lake City mission home. She is excited, and so are we.

As Zone Leaders my companions and I welcomed a new group of missionaries this week. It was so fun to reference them for how far we have all come in the short time we have been here. I have grown here so much in ways that I didn't think I needed to. Although I have not enjoyed every moment, it has all been for my good, and hopefully therefore, for the good of others. It does frighten me a little to think that I will be expected to speak Spanish to real Spanish people next week and teach them about the Gospel. My biggest fear is that they won't understand how much I want them to accept the message I bring.

But those fears are silly. Last night, two Elders from the new District taught the 1st Lesson to us for their first time. They were nervous. They wanted to get it right. Their biggest fear was to screw up and be embarrassed in front of us. As they taught, in English of course, their simplicity brought the testifying Spirit to the Lesson. I was moved strongly as they testified of the Book of Mormon and the Prophet Joseph Smith. At times, I think they weren't sure what to say, but in those times, the Spirit was saying it all.

And so, my friends, even though I am speaking English, I do speak simply. I know that the Book of Mormon is powerful. I know that it will change lives as my life has been changed. I honestly never thought to be a missionary, but here I am, because of that book. Anyone who carries doubts about the Book of Mormon need only to read it. If you feel nothing, then I am a fool. But if you feel a peaceful and calming emotion that makes everything feel right, and a bit better than it seemed before, then I am here for a reason. And an important one. And then, if the Book of Mormon is scripture and brings you closer to God, it is logical to know that Joseph Smith was a Prophet. He truly saw God and Jesus Christ, and as one of those missionaries told me last night, "They told him something IMPORTANT." His vision was important. It was so important that everyone needs to know that it happened. It may seem too simple or too grand, but it is true. With everything I am, I know it is true.

Thank you for the letters and mom, for the snacks and my Halloween costume (we are going to Trick-or-Treat amongst our Zone) and the shirt ... at last :). And Kristen, the cookies were a hit. I know you all too well. Thank you. And to everybody else, thank you for everything.

And so to all, Hola y Adios del CCM (MTC) por el ultimo vez. Yo les amo mucho. Estoy agradecido por todos de ustedes, mis bendiciones mayores.

-Elder Sam Bostwick

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