Wednesday, January 16, 2008

singing and dumpster diving

This week has been great and fast. We are more excited than ever for Rosalia's baptism, and her baptismal interview went smashingly. In our visits this week, she played the guitar for us. It was so fun. She taught us a song that she used to play for her Catholic congregation and we sang it together, me singing a harmony part. Then she had both Elder Robinaugh and I sing "Soy un Hijo de Dios" and "Las Familias Peudan Ser Eternas" on a recording, so she could memorize them and sing along at her baptism (they are the opening and closing hymns). It was such a fun evening spent with her.

On a not so happy occasion, an older brother from our ward has severe cancer that has spread from his throat to other parts of his body. He was in the hospital this week and the doctors decided to prepare him for a bleak looking surgery. With the idea of another brother from our ward, the four of us elders went to the hospital to sing hymns for him. It was a truly special experience with his whole family and the Spirit taught each of us about how there is nothing to fear from death. The power of music is continually amazing to me, and I am so grateful that it is part of my mission. These special experiences, along with fun times spent as the Primary pianist (did I mention that before?) would be so tragically missed otherwise.

Now to dumpster diving: I would just like to announce that our apartment, that didn't have any furniture with exception of beds for the Spanish missionaries is now fully equipped with a dresser, a bookshelf, 3 plastic drawer containers, a nightstand, 2 desks, and 4 new chairs. And it was all free. It pays to keep your eyes open.

We had interviews with the Mission President this week and Elder Robinaugh and I think that we will be together for next transfer too. I really hope so. I learn a lot from him. He is very good natured and people like him immediately when they meet him. I learn about what is important from Elder Robinaugh, and I hope it will continue for another transfer.

Well that's all, be good everybody. The Church is true and when you pray, God is always listening. Be sure when he answers, you are listening. It's hard to tell sometimes, but I know He always does. Never forget the power of faith. I hope you are all well, and that I hear from you soon. Until next week ...

-Elder Sam Bostwick

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