Wednesday, May 14, 2008

it's been a while ... not

It was so great to talk with the family on Sunday for Mothers' Day. And also to all the extended family that I got to talk with as well. I was pretty glad to hear that everyone is well and happy, at least as far as they were willing to tell me.

For all the rest who might read this, I have enjoyed my time so far in Chandler very much. Things are so different here than in Queen Creek, and the work comes in very different forms. We teach a lot more here, and I get pumped up by the strong spirit that we always feel in every lesson. I really am growing in my testimony, and I hope my ability to be a teacher is also growing.

Grandma Lunt says I sound like Uncle Jason when I talk Spanish, and I don't know about that. I think I still have a lot of work to do with my abilities to speak the language, but I do become more comfortable as time goes on. I am already praying for ways to preserve this gift after my mission, knowing that we don't get to keep gifts of the Spirit for free. But even better is the gratitude I feel for being able to communicate now, on this mission I've been called to.

We are working with people who are so close to baptism, they just need to seek out their testimony more firmly and get their witness and increase of faith to take a step in darkness. I am grateful for the relationship of openness that had already been developed before by Elder Guernsey and Elder Nauman (if you're reading closely, yes this is the same Elder Nauman from the MTC) with the investigators. I love being able to talk about things without shyness to get to the core of different doubts that people have about the Gospel. I feel more like a for-real missionary than ever before here in Chandler and it is because of the people we work with and the success level that has been established here before. We invite people to come to Christ by obeying His commandments and making covenants with Him. That is what we do, and it feels really good.

The thing that has changed I think most of all is that being in Chandler is a lot missionary work, but it is fun! We have a lot of fun, and we laugh a lot while working. I think I always had the false impression that work was work and fun was fun and they were separate--but fun is more fun when it is worked for and work is more effective and bearable when being enjoyed. I have been really grateful for the new lessons learned since the transfer of areas. I hope I can always apply this to my life and other lessons that I learn as I serve.

I should go, but I hope you all know that I know the Church is true! It is so important! It is worth changing our entire lives for. In essence, it is the only thing that matters in this life. I am so blessed to know that and so grateful that I am called to tell others about it. The Atonement is real. Our relationship with our Father in Heaven is so personal, we just need to remember to talk to Him. He is eager to bless us in the ways He knows are best for us. I testify that the doctrines of this church are true and beautiful, and the only logical answer to the questions of life. I know these things because of the testifying power of the Spirit, and you can know it to if you seek for it with a willing heart in fervent prayer. I love you all, take care of yourselves and do good.

-Elder Sam Bostwick

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