Thursday, January 8, 2009

new year

Holidays are just great. In our world, there is so much to get discouraged about. We lose hope and happiness every time we see the news or the papers or check the mail (the only thing that would be worse than getting no mail, is getting bills in the mail!). It is an unfortunate situation that we find ourselves in, feeling smaller and smaller in a world that seems to get meaner and meaner, with demands that grow higher and higher. God, in His knowledge, surely knew this hopeless and sad day would come, and therefore gave us a reason to celebrate. In this country, we even are blessed with federal recognition of God-sent celebrations. We have been so blessed this year to lift our spirits and our cheer, to first give thanks to God, refocus in the Savior, and then make new goals and plans to be better. What a wonderful flow, inspired to bring us joy!

As much as I don't want 2009 to be here, it has come. I continue to try harder and harder every day, praying that my pithy efforts will be accepted in the end and counted to me for righteousness. I even still feel as though I don't know how to do as much could as I should, but it is a daily process, and I imagine we all go through similar feelings of inadequacy from time to time. Each time we jump one hurdle, another one comes into our path to help us with our eternal progress. I wonder if the day will ever come in this life where I am completely content with myself—I imagine not. We are commanded to be perfect, even as our Father or Christ are perfect and the Lord will never give us a commandment without providing a way to accomplish it. I love that principle and I rejoice in our eternal potential as children of God to become all that He is, and receive all the joy that He has. Our message is true and it must be shared. Why did I wait until a call came before I began to preach the gospel? Did I not remember the promise I made and remake every week to witness of the Savior? Our call has already come and we must worthily endeavor for the glory of God. I love you all, thank you for doing good in the world and for always setting the example for me. Let's always do better.

-Elder Sam Bostwick

1 comment:

stampeder said...

Glad you had the opportunity to meet and enjoy the Funderburg's hospitality. A "Care" package will be on the way to you shortly.
Brother and Sister Wrubell