Wednesday, January 28, 2009

the foothills

Yesterday and today I am on exchanges in the Foothills. Right as you enter into the Yuma Valley, there is a large section of town called the Foothills which is chuck-full of snowbirds. It is a rarity to meet somebody under the age of 55 here.

The concept of a snowbird seems quite pathetic to me. A husband and wife work their whole life to build up savings and establish themselves and work towards a worthy retirement only to abandon everything they have and blow their money on a ridiculous motor home or a sad trailer in a place where they have no attachments and nothing to do but go to the casino and play shuffle board and bingo with all the other old people who don't have lives either.

The gospel teaches us to establish a righteous lifestyle of service, of sacrifice, and good works and to "endure to the end." This wave culture of snowbirds works against the gospel of Jesus Christ and frustrates years of righteous service to their fellowman. Especially in the Church, it must be viewed as unacceptable for healthy, financially stable elderly people to desert their responsibilities for unworthy ends. There is a "Snowbird Branch" in the Yuma Stake which has at least 700 members who are not serving in significant callings, not serving in the temple, not serving missions and losing their last years of mortal life to selfish and useless endeavors. It is a true tragedy.

I hope that we, as a family will remain faithful until the end. That we will spend our lives, our whole lives, in the service of God is my prayer for our family. It is such a rich blessing to serve others, and anyone who wants to use their life to achieve happiness will seek in the service of their brother. I love this Gospel and know it is true. I am so blessed to be on a mission, and I love you all. Take care.

-Elder Sam Bostwick

P.S. I realize this ended up sounding strong, but I really do feel strongly about it.... In the end, the Father knows the heart of each one of His children and He will be our final judge. Where I might lack mercy, He holds it abundantly. Good thing I am not the judge.

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