Wednesday, April 23, 2008

new changes

Because of the recent "death" of my late companion, Elder Samuel Wood, I have stayed in Queen Creek yet another transfer. I wonder if I will be here my entire mission. At the large transfer meetings, I find that I hardly know any missionaries in the mission, as I have not had as much opportunity to mingle with as much variety as most missionaries have. But at least I get to stay in Primary.

My new companion is Elder Johnston, personal details to come... He was trained by Elder Wood about a year ago and just came from being Elder Rutt's companion (Elder Rutt, who was my MTC companion). On a side note, Elder Rutt is now on cruches after partially ripping a tendon in his muscles. We don't know how that will end up... I really haven't had a chance to talk to Elder Johnston yet, but I know that he is very interested in what's going on in the mission. I will be a disappointment I'm sure, since I know nothing of the goings on about anything. I just stay in my Queen Creek corner not bothering anybody.

I have new goals for this transfer of increasing my personal study. I don't know what to do better, but I know I am lacking. I will be putting highest efforts into formulating the best possible plan of action. I am deciding now to be the kind of missionary I want to be. I have been out long enough to stop wishing, and start doing. Keep me in your prayers, I will need extra help.

I hope that fresh blood in the area will improve the work. Maybe a different approach is exactly what our investigators need to progress toward baptism. I have been praying long and hard for something to lift the spirits, and sincerely hope that it is right around the corner. In any case, I think this will be a great 6 weeks for me. I continue making progress, and know I can do anything the Lord needs me to.

I love you all. I pray for you, my family and friends. It is always good to hear news, and comforting to hear no bad news. Let me know what is happening anyways. Cecily and Tommy, be safe and smart as you head out for a new and exciting adventure. I love you. Take care everybody, and let others know that the Church is true.

-Elder Sam Bostwick

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